Palm - Pre Plus

Below are all the different types of Palm. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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User Guide palm plus VOtlTQOwireless Intellectual property notices 2009 Painn Inc All rights reserved Painn Pre Synergy Touchstone webOS and the Painn and Pre logos are annong the tradennarks or registered tradennarks owned by or licensed to Painn Inc Microsoft and Outlook are tradennarks of the Microsoft group of connpanies Exchange ActiveSync Enabled Facebook is a registered tradennark of Facebook Inc Google and Google Maps are tradennarks of Google Inc Annazon Annazon MP3 and the Annazon MP3 logo are tradennarks of Annazon conn Inc or its affiliates Doc View and PDF View are provided by Docunnents To Go a product of Data Viz Inc dataviz conn All other brand and product nannes are or nnay be tradennarks of and are used to id ...